Refund Policy

Refund Policy For CVStep

We take pride in our product and customer service. In an unlikely event, you are seeking refund, please reach to us via email. We will try to fix the problem for you.

Please read below guidelines for refunds.

  • For any technical reasons, your payment is deducted twice or you were wrongfully charged, you refund will be fully processed. Please allow us 3-4 days to coordinate with the payment gateway provider in such case.
  • If you have already downloaded the resume from our online resume builder, the refund will not be processed. However, for any reason, your file was correupt or you had any issue with the download, please reach out to us, we will try fix that. However, if you are still not able to download the resume, we will offer you refund.
  • If you are facing consistent technical issues with the product and not able to use it for your purpose, please raise us a request. If problem for you is not fixed, we will offer you refund.

If you still want to raise refund request, please write to us at with details of you problem. Please include relevant screenshot and details related to the problem. If this is related to a payment issue, please make sure to include the email used at the payment gateway.

Have a question?

Send us an email and we’ll be happy to clarify any questions you may have.

Email us